Title: Lucas Plaza Statue
Description: Oakdale artist Betty Saletta created the statue of two teenagers on the fender of a ’57 Chevy. The statue celebrates the career of George Lucas, his film American Graffiti, and Modesto’s heritage of cruising. The statue and plaza were dedicated July 11, 1997. It stands at Five Points, the intersection of McHenry Avenue, Needham Street, 17th Street, J Street, and Downey Avenue.
Creator/Provenance: Elizabeth Cardenas for the Stanislaus Memory Project
Date of Creation: 2016-04-06
Object Type: image
Keywords: Modesto, cruising, graffiti
Size of original: 2.45 MB (2784 x 1856)
Format: JPEG
Resource Identifier: G10
Digital Collection: Graffiti
Digital Project Title: Stanislaus Memory Project
Publisher: Stanislaus County Library