Title: Felix's Drive-in
Description: Felix’s Drive-In was located at 203 McHenry Avenue in Modesto. Originally a Sno-Foam Drive-In, it had various names and owners before Leonard Felix purchased it. Felix had previously owned Al’s Drive-In, which he sold to Raymond King. Felix’s eventually became King’s Drive In, owned by the same Raymond King. The Drive-In was torn down and replaced by Modesto’s first Taco Bell.
Creator/Provenance: from the McHenry Museum
Date of Creation: unknown
Object Type: image
Notes: on back: 203 McHenry
Keywords: Modesto, drive-ins
Size of original: 10 L x 8 H inches
Format: JPEG
Resource Identifier: G05
Digital Collection: Graffiti
Digital Project Title: Stanislaus Memory Project
Publisher: Stanislaus County Library